NERDIC was formed in late 2017, as an applicant for a grant with the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), now known as the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC).

The initial joint discussions which lead to the formation of the collaboration, identified that the six states of New England face similar challenges in their efforts to support and promote the defense industry diversifying and strengthening. The initial grant period (Phase 1) was from January 2018 to June 2019. With adjustments made due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, Phase 1 of the project concluded in October 2021.

The NERDIC structure and collaboration consolidated in Phase 1 to create a core Steering Committee, an Industry based Advisory Network and subcommittees in the areas of Cybersecurity, Industry 4.0 Readiness and Workforce.

Individual work programs ran in the areas of Cybersecurity and Industry 4.0 Readiness. Phase 1 of NERDIC achieved considerable gains in constructing NERDIC’s framework, identifying core objectives, expanding industry networks and establishing a unified approach to solve the issues facing the defense industry in the six state New England region.


What is NERDIC?


The Value of NERDIC


NERDIC’s Successes

Learn about the NERDIC Ecosystem Network

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