NERDIC is a unique entity which coordinates the growth of defense-related businesses across the six states within the New England region. NERDIC focuses on an approach built around collaboration and multidisciplinary solutions to address the challenges identified by the New England defense manufacturing sector.

NERDIC brings a range of benefits to the six state New England Region. NERDIC is focused on:

  • Building a regional collaboration and multidisciplinary approach that takes a full regional ‘ecosystem approach’ involving multiple partners from across the defense supply chain.
  • Building a viable pathway to sustainability post DoD funding.
  • Addressing emergent critical needs – creating regional readiness for ‘future technology’, including industry 4.0 technologies and compatible workforce skills.
  • Delivering efforts that target and support small and medium manufacturers, especially in traditionally underserved parts of the supply chain that are most vulnerable to falling behind in technology and security.
  • The overall result will be a future ready region, that have the mechanisms to build capacity and capability in industry 4.0 technologies and workforce skills.

Brett Long describes NERDIC's goals, his personal connection to the program, and the future of the network.

Learn more about the history of NERDIC

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